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Fort Meade Florida Commercial Property for Sale

Commercial Lot in Florida : Fort Meade : Polk County : Florida

Own this Commercial/Agriculture zoned 269.1-Acre property in Fort Meade, Florida in Polk County. This parcel is located within the Phosphate Mining (Pm) future land-use/zoning district and is a commercially tailored zoning district and won't be permitted for residential usage. Differing sections of...

269.10 Acres : $1,580,000

Commercial Lot in Florida

Fort Meade : Polk Co : Florida

Wally Jones : Wally's Land LLC

Fort Meade Downtown Vacant Comm Lot : Fort Meade : Polk County : Florida

Located just off the main strip of downtown Broadway Ave in Fort Meade, this is a 0.26 ± acre vacant lot, zoned C-2, City of Fort Meade. This generous zoning classification allows for retail, office, restaurant, church, banks, personal service and many more. Most recently, this property was the...

0.26 Acre : $75,000

Fort Meade Downtown Vacant Comm Lot

Fort Meade : Polk Co : Florida

Saunders Real Estate